Our 5 step pressure washing concrete process is ideal, to properly clean those dirty looking driveways or walkways! 

Whether it’s your Home or your Business, pressure washing your concrete is very crucial in maintaining your property.  Those dingy looking driveways, sidewalks, pool decks and more can be easily cleaned by our trained staff here at, Cooper Pressure Wash Services.

Pressure Washing your concrete is something that needs to be done the correct and proper way by a professionally trained company to maintain the concretes integrity with specialized detergents, pressure, surface cleaners and techniques. 


  • First we prep the surface and remove any loose debris & rocks


  • Then we figure and just our pre-treatment for each job to get the best cleaning possible


  • After applying a generous coat of treatment, we then allow some dwell time


  • We then use our specialized rotary surface cleaner to give a thorough cleaning


  • After surface cleaning, we gently rinse off any left over dirt and grime


  • We then apply a post treatment on an as needed basis